
Thursday 30 April 2015

Cross Monday Week 56 & 57

 Week 56
I finally completed the blue flowers!  I had got so bored of doing them that I wasn't sure I would ever complete them, but it looks great now it's done.  I took this photo last Monday, all ready to post on the right day... but my gall bladder had other ideas and I ended up in hospital!

Week 57
I've nearly completed double crossing of the green vine, there's just a little bit on the upper left hand side which needs completing.  Most of the gold vine and red line needs completing still, but I decided it was time to start on the pink flowers, I didn't want them to be a chore, but as it's only every second flower, I have made quite a bit of progress there too!

Sunday 19 April 2015

Cross Monday Week 55

Slowly slowly catchy monkey!  Very little stitching this week, but lots of thought on what is going in the middle.  I have 102 squares in height between the top of the vine and the tails of the birds, obviously I need to find something that takes less than 102 squares but I don't want it to be too small and end up with a gap to try and fill.  I could probably loose 10 spare squares but not much more.  To give you some perspective, the vine in the middle is 22 squares high.

1. This option is 104 squares high, two too many.  If I take out the vine at the top, I will have 20 spare squares.
??th April 2012
2.  I would like to have Wednesday on the sampler, this option gives me 16 spare.

??th April 2012

3. I like the idea of having another vine to border Little Owl's name.  This option only gives me 5 spare squares which is ideal!
??th April 2012

I think I am leaning towards option 3 as it will fill the entire space and look like it belongs.  It will be a shame not to have the "Wedneday" in there, but not the end of the world.

What do you think?

Sunday 12 April 2015

Cross Monday Week 54

OK, so this really is the latest Cross Monday ever!  The flash on my camera is broken and I kept forgetting to take a photo during the day! This also means I hardly stitched at all either but I did manage to complete the red chain on the inside so some success! 

I think I may have found the alphabet I need too... unfortunately not in any of the books that Oma lent me, but the internet may have come good!  The letters are 18 squares high, and Little Owl's first name (which is the longest) will be 161 squares wide, in a space of 220 squares so it will definitely fit and won't look lost. 

I have 102 squares in height, so allowing for a 2 square space between letters, each row will be 20 letters meaning I could have 5 rows of letters as follows:

??th April 2012
I just think that it will look a bit crowded, especially as Little Owl's names are quite long.  I can take out the Wednesday but then have to fill the space.  I think that might mean I could get another vine in, but I would have to be really sure of my numbers as it doesn't leave room for error! 

I also don't have numbers in the new font, so would have to make them up.  Or I could leave the date in the old font, which would stop it looking so crowded.  If I do that, I could keep the Wednesday.

Oh I don't know!!!

Friday 3 April 2015

Cross Monday Week 53

This has to be the latest Cross Monday ever!!!  Monday was the day that the scaffolding was due.  As a terrace house with no back access, the only way to get scaffolding to the back of the house is to take it through the house!  Currently the only way to do it is through the living room window, through the double doors into the dining room and out of the back door in the dining room!  

We got up super early on Monday and moved all of the furniture and toys out of the way, and laid down dust sheets and waited... they arrived about 10 o'clock on Thursday!!!  So all week we have been stuck in the house without a living room! Add to that, my broken camera meaning I have to take the photo in daylight and today was the first time I had a chance!

That's also part of my excuse for not having stitched much this week... my other excuse is that I have started on another cross stitch project, which is top secret so I can't share it, but means I now will be splitting my time between the two... just when I thought the end was in sight...

Oh, and I'm still no nearer finding an alphabet the right size!  The book my mother in law lent me didn't have any, but she has found another two books so the hunt continues....